Enrichment Programs






In preparation for the debut of our PTA Garden Club, we will be hosting a Garden Club Clean-Up Day on Saturday December 9th from 9AM-2PM.

We are looking for a few families to partner with the garden club and help remove debris and prepare the garden!


This particular Garden Prep Event will be geared to volunteers who are able to manage tools needed to remove blackberry bushes and help prepare the ground and lay out a plan for the garden.


Please sign up here for Garden Clean Up: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C084BA5AB2DABFBC70-46320056-cvegarden

Thank you,


CVE Garden Club Leaders: Mrs. Edwards, Sebastian Garcia & Fallon Garcia.



Our Vision

Our vision is that every child’s potential becomes a reality.

Our Mission

Our mission is for PTA to be:

  • A powerful voice for children,
  • A relevant resource for families, schools and communities, and
  • A strong advocate for the well-being and education of all children.